Ulatus eLearning - Our Clients

Our Clients

Trusted globally for delivering accurate and cost-effective translation and localization solutions.


We have worked with over 200,000 clients from all across the globe; this includes prestigious companies, universities, and institutes.

Commitment to quality and attention to details – have helped us achieve this milestone

Our global work force has also majorly contributed to our success. Below is a list of few of our prestigious clients.

TestimonialsYour stories,
Our writers

We work with the very best native English writers from the US, UK, Australia and others. To ensure high quality outputs, every single time. Let's keep the stories that matter alive. ⁠

Case Studies


The world's largest security awareness and simulated phishing platform

The world’s largest security awareness and simulated phishing platform receives complete suite of e-learning courses successfully localized into 33 languages.

Discovery Education
Discovery Education

Discovery Education

Crimson provided content and subtitle localisation, Video Voiceover, On-screen text creation and translation for more than 100,000 words and 200 videos a month.


E-learning Localization Solutions for Renowned Non-Profit Biomedical Research Institute

End-to-end localization (Content Translation + Graphics Localization + Voiceover) from English to Simplified Chinese of an E-learning module on genomics.

Immortalize a story. Immortalize a life

Our expert writers craft your story with care so it can be relived for generations